
Golf - Year-Round
Workout - Golf (Zoom)
Day: Tuesdays ended Feb 23, 2021
Time: 6-7pm
Where: From the comfort of home
S4EA coaches Walter Jackson, Nicole Alvarez, Clara Downes & Myra Snowdall lead the workouts.
Call S4EA at 858-565-7432 or email sds4ea@gmail.com to RSVP, get the Zoom password information & arrange to pick-up golf equipment.
San Diego City
Day: Saturdays ended Oct 26, 2019
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm
Where: Town Park Villas Golf Course
6301 Gullstrand St, San Diego 92122
Facility Fee: $8
Golf Practices have ended as the Town Park Villas Golf Course has closed.
Call head coach John Klein (PGA Golf Pro) at 619-980-2018 for more info.
Golf Tournament (2019)
Day: August 25, 2019
Time: 9am-2pm
Where: Balboa Park Golf Course
2600 Golf Course Dr., San Diego 92102
Robert "Garret" Chesney Memorial Golf Tournament