What To Do To Get Vaccine
The Delta Variant of COVID-19 spread rapidly and the Omicron Variants spread even more quickly. Getting the vaccine and then the booster when eligible is the best way to keep from getting the virus & going to the hospital.
Anyone can now get a vaccine. COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and 100% free. Sign up for your appointment today and join the millions who are putting an end to this pandemic.
Some websites to help find vaccines:
If you need help getting the vaccine, contact S4EA at 858-565-7432 to get COVID vaccine at Vincent Pharmacy.
What To Do During Coronavirus Pandemic
To keep our athletes & others safe, please continue to social distance and wear a mask when indoors in public. Get your vaccine. We want to all stay healthy until the vaccine is widely distributed and we can play SPORTS and see our friends and relatives. S4EA opened our outdoor sports this past summer & have also opened our indoor sports. Click on Sports for updates!
S4EA would like athletes and volunteers to fill out & return to S4EA the COVID-19 Waiver of Liability Form.
What We Know About the Delta & Omicron Variants So Far
You’ve probably heard by now about the Delta & Omicron variants, highly contagious strains of COVID-19. In just a few months, it has quickly become the dominant variants in the United States — and it’s causing a national rise in new infections and hospitalizations.
7 things you need to know about the variants and staying protected.
Unvaccinated people are at higher risk of getting COVID-19 now than they were before the variants appeared.
More young people are getting sick compared with earlier variants.
Delta & Omicron variant symptoms are the same as other versions of COVID-19. However, they may be causing people to get sicker faster, including young people.
The COVID-19 vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others against Delta & Omicron variants. Even in the rare case that you do get infected, the vaccine will likely prevent you from becoming seriously ill.
A small number of fully vaccinated people have become infected with these variants. Their symptoms tend to be mild, but it’s still possible to spread the virus to others.
Many fully vaccinated people can now receive a vaccine booster — as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Everyone should continue wearing masks in crowded settings and public indoor spaces — including fully vaccinated people, especially in areas of high transmission.

Guidelines in Winter 2025
Do not come if you are sick
Check temperature (if above normal, don’t come to practice)
If have COVID, isolate at least 5 days & wear mask 10 days
The new COVID vaccine came out this fall, get your COVID vaccine & be safe to play our sports
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Risks for S4EA Athletes
The health & safety of the S4EA community is our top priority. In light of the daily changes in the news on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, we are hearing more and more of the dangers of having large numbers of people gathered in one location. Due to the medical conditions of some people with developmental disabilities, the nature of close and physical contact while playing sports, and the increased exposure to the virus, our athletes are at a higher risk of contracting the virus, including a severe case.

Precautions to Take
Take steps to protect yourself and others
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid close contact.
Avoid giving hand shakes, high fives, and hugs.
Social distancing - stay at least 6' away from other people.
Wear a face mask when indoors in public.
Stay home whether you’re sick or not (self-quarantine).
Cover coughs and sneezes.
Clean and disinfect.
Latest Updates from S4EA Board
At the S4EA Board meeting of July 8, 2020, the S4EA Board decided to have all sports (other than tennis & cycling) to be cancelled until further notice. A soft re-opening of the summer sports practices of cycling and tennis after July 12th will be allowed as long as those sports meet the guidelines of the San Diego County Department of Health for reopening. The numbers of people may be limited to insure that we can maintain social distancing of 6’. Athletes & coaches must wear a mask to practice and will have their temperature checked.
At the S4EA Board meeting of May 12, 2021, the S4EA Board decided to open up our outdoor summer sports after July 4, 2021, including bocce, soccer, softball, swimming & track. At the August 19, 2021 meeting, indoor sports can be opened if follow the S4EA COVID-19 Indoor Sports Guidance.

Governor Newsom Updates
As of March 21, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an order for all 40 million Californians to stay at home due to the coronavirus outbreak. Citizens are still allowed to leave their homes to visit grocery stores or pharmacies but must “at all times practice social distancing.”
As of June 18, 2020 California Governor Gavin Newsom makes wearing face masks mandatory when out in public amid rising coronavirus cases.
Governor Newsom has opened up most activities as of June 15, 2021.
CDC Information
As of July 27, 2021, the CDC recommends that everyone (vaccinated and unvaccinated) should wear masks indoors.
For more info on precautions and the Coronavirus, contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at

Status of Practices & Events
California has opened up most activities as of June 15, 2021. Since that has happened, S4EA has opened our outdoor summer sports since the beginning of July, including bocce, cycling, soccer, softball, tennis & track.
Indoor Sports - Based on CDC recommendations to help stop the spread of COVID-19 & especially the new Delta & Omicron variants, S4EA would like everyone participating in indoor S4EA activities to have been vaccinated.
Athletes, families & volunteers must wear masks to indoor practices with further guidance given at indoor practice.
Contact S4EA at 858-565-7432 regarding updates on scheduled activities.
Click on S4EA website News page or various Sports pages for updated practice information.
Exercising at Home
During the Coronavirus Pandemic, S4EA athletes, families, volunteers, and coaches should continue to do exercising at home as long as you are feeling well. If you want to take a walk, just maintain social distancing (at least 6 feet) from others & wear a face mask when out in the public. You should continue to communicate with others, including by phone, text, email, social media, etc. If you want to chart your progress in doing Exercising each day, then click on S4EA Exercise Chart or Biggest Loser-Fitness Challenge. The following are some links to doing Sports and Exercises at Home during the Coronavirus Pandemic:
Click here for Maintain the Health & Fitness of Yourself & Others Around You.
Click here for Sports and Exercises to do at Home.
Click here for Yoga at Home.
Click here for Soccer Exercises at Home.
S4EA volunteers from the Canyon Crest Academy S4EA Club have put together the following videos on stretching and other exercises: and that our S4EA athletes can do at home. If you are interested in doing live video calls to do more training, exercises and stretching at home, please contact the Canyon Crest Academy S4EA Club at
S4EA Practices & Tournaments – Guidelines During COVID-19
Download Athlete Registration Form & COVID-19 Waiver of Liability Form from S4EA website, fill out & email to S4EA
Do not come if you are sick
Check temperature (if above normal, do not come to practice)
Before & during practice, coaches clean various surfaces, sports equipment, etc. with HOCL to kill any COVID-19 virus
Wash hands often with soap & water for at least 20 seconds
Wear a facemask & practice social distancing of at least 6 feet indoor to help protect our athletes with disabilities
Bring your own filled water bottle (recommended)
Bring your own sports equipment (recommended)
Bring your own chair (recommended)
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
Do not touch other people
Only touch your own equipment
Avoid giving handshakes, high fives, and hugs
Get your vaccine now & be safe to play our sports
Electrolyzed Water (HOCL)
Electrolyzed water (HOCL) is effective in killing bacteria & viruses, including the COVID-19 virus. S4EA has a machine that makes HOCL from water & salt.
Coaches, volunteers, supporters, athletes & their families can pick-up a bottle of HOCL from S4EA to spray and disinfect various surfaces, equipment, etc. Call S4EA at 858-565-7432 for more info.
S4EA Facemasks
To encourage wearing facemasks, S4EA has at the S4EA office a limited number of facemasks for $6 (1 color) & $8 (multi-color) which say 'Wash Hands, Stay Safe, 6 ft, SPORTS for Exceptional Athletes'.